Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back Online! :)

I am back online and delighted to be posting again - albeit much later in my trip than originally planned.  :)

Our adventure had a slight hiccup when we left the Garden Route coast and ventured into the heart of South Africa. We stopped at a gas station/fast food restaurant for a quick pit stop.  We grabbed some coffee and hopped into the car...only to find that some items were missing.  My water pack with rain coat, hiking gear, new sunglasses, and Christine's wireless gadget that connected me to the internet were missing.  Gasp!  But she suffered the greatest loss, losing her laptop, brand new Samsung phone, and the DVD's of our shark, tree sailing, and elephant walking adventures.  Calling the authorities does nothing here, and we knew there was nothing to do but go forward with the knowledge it could have been worse, and was not.

There are serious issues here - lawlessness being at a level I had never imagined - but the people overcome through humor.  "Welcome to South Africa!"  Indeed!  It actually opened my eyes in a way that would not have come otherwise.  I know that we were divinely protected as this was extremely minor compared to what Cxx has experienced.  We were not confronted or in personal danger, they did not break a window in the car, and our purses and my passport, credit cards, cash, et al were sitting right there...and they were left untouched.  God is good!!!  :-)

So...since Cxx lost her phone, we are missing pics of me with Shaka the cheetah, tree sailing, and othe things I did not get on my phone.  As Ben would say, I have my memories and that is sufficient.  :)  (Oh, I just remembered...we did get an email from shark tour with our video.  Yay!)

I first noticed the South African humor on the plane trip to Cape Town.  The steward giving us instructions for the flight spoke his standard speech, but every now and then he through in absolute silliness that made me laugh out loud - and would have gotten himfired in the States.  (I had no idea we were so straight, reserved, and uptight!)

This contined everywhere I went - funny, funny guides, jokes and teasing flowing like a river, along with humorous jokes on items being sold in shops.

One plaque said, "I love giving homemade gifts.  Which of my children would you like?"  Ha!

I should have taken pics of all the funny ones, but many were in Afrikaans that Christine had to translate.  Here is one pic I did take for my family.  I am sure they know why.  ;-)

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