Friday, November 16, 2012

Whale Videos

The whales we saw from the highways and boats were humpbacks, Bryde's whales, and southern right whales.  To get an idea of what they really look like, I am including pictures from the internet.  I did NOT take these pictures or draw these diagrams.  Videos are below the pictures.

Bryde's Whale

Humpback Whale

Our group saw a humpback breach just like this one above... only I happened to be looking in the wrong direction and missed it.  Bummer!

Southern Right Whale
There were two of these that we followed in our whale watching boat in Plettenberg Bay.  They come to the surface often to breathe and blow.  How loud it was!  What amazed me was how large these whales were... and we just saw the top part where the blow holes are and their tales.  Massive!

There was no way I could catch a whale in a picture, so I just took videos.  These did not turn out great, but I did manage to capture some tales and blowing to show the kids that I actually did see whales.

Christine looking for whales...

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